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    Model IR Single Stage Single Suciton Hot Water Centrifugal Pump


    Model IR Single Stage Single Suciton Hot Water Centrifugal Pump
    Model IR Single Stage Single Suciton Hot Water Centrifugal Pump

    As an efficient and energy - saving product, model-IR single-stage-single-suction hot water centrifugal pump is suitable for conveying clear water or other liquids similar to water in physical and chemical properties with the temperature of less than 150'C. The pump is mainly used in industrial and civil buildings, for example: metallurgy, power station, textile, chemical, printing & dyeing, ceramic, heating, air-conditioning, waste heat usage, etc. With the flow of 6.3-400 m'/h and the lift of 5-80m, model-IR pump series have two types of running speed: 2900r/min and 1450 r/min. All pumps adopt mechanic seal.

    Description of model

    Description of model
    Model n Speed (r/min) Q Capacity H Head m η Efficiency (%) (KW) Power (NPSH) r (m) weight pimp/base (kg)
    (m3/h) (L/S) Shaft Power Power
    IR50-32-125 2900 12.5 3.47 20 60 1.13 2.2 2 47/46
    1450 6.3 1.74 5 54 0.16 0.55 2 48/38
    IR50-32-160 2900 12.5 3.47 32 58 2.02 3 2 61/46
    1450 6.3 1.74 8 48 0.29 0.55 2 61/38
    IR50-32-200 2900 12.5 3.47 50 48 3.54 5.5 2 63/66
    1450 6.3 1.74 12.5 42 0.51 0.75 2 63/38
    IR50-32-250 2900 12.5 3.47 80 38 7.16 11 2 100/110
    1450 6.3 1.74 20 32 1.07 1.5 2 100/64
    IR65-50-125 2900 25 6.94 20 69 1.97 3 2.5 53/46
    1450 12.5 3.47 5 64 0.27 0.55 2 53/38
    IR65-50-160 2900 25 6.94 32 65 3.35 5.5 2 55/66
    1450 12.5 3.47 8 60 0.45 0.75 2 55/38
    IR65-40-200 2900 25 6.94 50 60 5.67 7.5 2 86/66
    1450 12.5 3.47 12.5 55 0.77 1.1 2 86/46
    IR65-40-250 2900 25 6.94 80 50 10.89 15 2 97/110
    1450 12.5 3.47 20 46 1.48 2.2 2 97/67
    IR80-65-125 2900 50 13.9 20 75 3.63 5.5 3 48/66
    1450 25 6.94 5 71 0.48 0.75 2.5 48/38
    IR80-65-160 2900 50 13.9 32 73 5.97 7.5 2.5 49/66
    1450 25 6.94 5 69 0.79 1.5 2.5 49/46
    IR80-50-200 2900 50 13.9 50 69 9.87 15 2.5 74/66
    1450 25 6.94 12.5 65 1.31 22 2.5 74/46
    IR80-50-250 2900 50 13.9 80 63 17.3 22 2.5 110/110
    1450 25 6.94 20 60 2.27 3 2.5 110/64
    Model n Speed (r/min) Q Capacity H Head m η Efficiency (%) (KW) Power (NPSH) r (m) weight pimp/base (kg)
    (m3/h) (L/S) Shaft Power Power
    IRl00-80-125 2900 100 27.8 20 78 7 11 4.5 56/46
    1450 50 13.9 5 75 0.91 1.5 2.5 56/46
    IR100-80-160 2900 100 27.8 32 78 11.2 15 4 78/110
    1450 50 13.9 8 75 1.45 2.2 2.5 78/64
    IR100-65-200 2900 100 27.8 50 76 17.9 22 3.6 90/110
    1450 50 13.9 12.5 73 2.33 4 2 90/64
    IR100-65-250 2900 100 27.8 80 72 30 37 3.8 117/160
    1450 50 13.9 20 68 4 5.5 2 117/66
    IR125-80-160 2900 160 44.4 32 79 17.7 22 5.6 96/110
    1450 80 22.2 8 75 2.3 4 5.6 96/64
    IR125-80-200 2900 160 44.4 50 79 27.6 37 5.2 112/160
    1450 80 22.2 12.5 75 3.6 5.5 5.2 112/64
    IR125-80-250 2900 160 44.4 80 77 45.3 55 4.8 138/315
    1450 80 22.2 20 72 6 11 4.8 138/111
    IR125-100-200 2900 200 55.6 50 81 33.6 45 4.5 112/160
    1450 100 27.8 12.5 76 4.48 7.5 2.5 112/66
    IR125-100-250 2900 200 55.6 80 78 55.9 75 4.2 135/295
    1450 100 27.8 20 76 7.17 11 2.5 135/112
    IR150-125-250 2900 200 55.6 20 81 13.5 18.5 3 158/158
    IR150-125-315 1450 200 55.6 32 79 22.08 30 2.5 192/233
    IR150-125-400 2900 200 55.6 50 75 36.3 45 2.8 240/233
    IR200-150-250 1450 400 111.1 20 83 26.2 37 4.6 203/233
    IR200-150-315 2900 400 111.1 32 82 42.5 55 3.5 273/295
    IR200-150-400 1450 400 11.1 50 81 67.2 90 3.8 332/295

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